We know you have questions. We do our best to provide the answers.
Q: How will I know my order has been received?
A: You'll receive a confirmation email or SMS message when your order has been processed.
Q: When will my order ship?
A: Orders are shipped via FedEx within 24 hours. Gifts and modified items may require additional time to ship.
Q: How long is my coffee good for?
A: Coffee still sealed in the bag is good for at least 8 months from the date it's shipped. Once open ground coffee should be consumed in 5-7 days or within 3 weeks for whole bean.
Q: Can I cancel or change my order?
A: Absolutely. Email factorystore@delimacoffee.com or call 315-457-3725 ext 200. Customers a responsible for any increases in cost of order. Orders cannot be changed after they've shipped.
Q: How do I use a discount code?
A: At checkout you'll be able to enter a discount code in the prompt on the right side of the screen (on desktops) or after the shipping screen on mobile.

Q: Why is my card being declined?
A: If your credit card is being rejected, first check that all of the card details are correct, including the card number, expiration date, security code, and billing zip code. Then, check to make sure that the billing address entered matches the billing address for your payment method. If you have confirmed that all information is correct, we recommend reaching out to the credit card provider for more information.
Q: How do I manage my subscription:
Paul deLima uses Subi, a third-party service, to manage subscriptions and payments. Please visit the following link for instructions on how to manage your subscriptions.
You can also send a cancellation request to onlinestore@delimacoffee.com with the account holder's name in the subject line.